Amuse Promo Code for Oakland: HAPPY100

Looking to order weed from Amuse in the San Francisco area? Use the Amuse Promo Code for Oakland users: HAPPY100.

The code above works for NEW users to Amuse. However, if you’re already an existing user, you can still get a $5 discount with the Amuse Existing User promo code: RETURN5.

Amuse is a fantastic, relatively new weed delivery service in California. Their home base is in Los Angeles so you know that their customer service is local and on point. They really know their stuff. The products available are top of the line, and they take care of their loyal customers by being the only weed delivery service that offers a discount code to existing users (RETURN5 gets you $5 off every time). They currently are available in Los Angeles, Oakland, SF and are expanding throughout the rest of Bay Area.

If you’re new though, you really can score big time with 20% off anything you buy, for your first order only. Use the Amuse promo code for Oakland users: HAPPY100.

You check out our other weed delivery posts for a complete list of other weed delivery places in Oakland (though Amuse is currently our favorite, with the highest discount)!